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BELOW, in support of the lawsuit to correct voting in Kentucky, on Tuesday November 5, 2024, please ask your family and friends to write-in Daniel Cobble for U.S. Representative, Dist. 3 in Louisville, KY

Thank you.



Daniel Cobble, Founder & Administrative Activist. Federal and State  judges are refusing to process his civil cases, including for the invalid elections in Kentucky. We're headed into Marxism (destruction of our institutions) due to the lack of enforcing the "rule of law." See below.

Archive Site 1 at The-Protect-America-Project.ORG

The difference between Communism and Marxism: In Communism, the leaders want to remain permanently in power. This is human nature because we're all attracted to power. But Marxism, pursuant to the Jew Karl Marx (1847), seeks to tear down \ destroy institutions for its "anger towards- and envy of" Africa that brought the humanities (through the ancient matriarchal societies), Judaism, Christianity & Jesus, and the Bible as today's social infrastructure; and hence the Marxists' hate for black people. For the same reasons, the Islam and Hindu patriarchs are also angry at Africa, their unwillingness to accept the "successful matriarchal societies" from the very beginning of Man. They continue to oppress their women today. Enlightened President Vladimir Putin is releasing Russia's achives on Africa. –– Candace Owens and J.D. Vance, for example, do not understand that this is why Christians are constantly under attack today, including during COVID-19 by leftist KY Gov. Andy Beshear. And apparently, black Marxists, such as Dr. Cornel West, Whoopi Goldberg, and Kamala Harris do not understand this deeper meaning of Marxism in relations to Africa. (To avoid the "Marx founding racial component," the media and contemporary scholars teach that "evil capitalism" led to Marxism. But in 1847, capitalism was not the cause to break everything "in anger" without a replacement.) American free enterprise (at its peak during the Clinton economy) and the U.S. Constitution (the two major contributions from whites) ironically comprise the best exemplifications of "humanism" as defined by Dr. West, even though the Constitution was founded on Christianity. Politicos such as Kari Lake incorrectly believe America is under the threat of Communism. But in reality, Marxists such as Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, and Harris have infiltrated the American system. This is exemplified by their ongoing destruction of U.S. institutions, enabled by the weak U.S. dollar that has weakened the middle-class that began in 1999 caused by the $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations (see below). The $transfer and then the "intentional COVID-19" have diminished American free enterprise, the infrastructure of the U.S. tax base. – Through Marxism, the white supremacist and "narcissistic supremacist Jew" have not accepted their places in history or life itself, the source of their unsettled behavior and mental illness that keeps the world unsettled \ unstable. Thus, the "revolution for peace" is in helping the supremacist to quail his anger by "seeing" and accepting his place. Only then can he become whole to partake in humanity amongst us. –– Today the supremacist is held in power by U.S. tax dollars. Pursuant to the Constitution, as throughout this website, we prevent Marxism (and Communism) by simply demanding enforcing the "rule of law." ø

• THE RULE OF LAW: We simplify life by prosecuting war criminals Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu. They knew about the Oct. 7 attack but stood down to allow it to happen. Hence, the so-called Hamas War, but really planned genocide, is exploiting all of us. Oct. 7 also disqualifies Kamala Harris. Their criminal prosecutions will preserve democracy in the U.S. and in Israel. OTHER MISAPPROPRIATIONS OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS: With Palestinian and Hamas leaders as billionaires from U.S. tax dollars, the U.S. Gov'mt was never serious about a two-State solution for Gaza and the West Bank. Keep in mind that the CIA has worked hard to prevent the spread of demcoracy. Our annual military aid to Israel is an extension of the U.S. war policy, to create enemies for war, for the Military Industrial Complex. Hence again, U.S. foreknowledge of the Oct. 7 attack. ø

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Thomas Jefferson on U.S. Banking

          August 7, 2024 - OUR INACTION HAS CONSEQUENCES:  Recently in separate interviews, actors Dennis Quaid and Kevin Costner spoke of Americans as cowards. Quaid said he deals with the future by addressing his problems today. They both coincidentally alluded that too many won't speak up about the destruction of America (to their elected officials). The Biden Administration is methodically destroying our institutions, including the Office of the Presidency (1) he abolished the 2024 Democrat primary race; 2) his kangaroo convictions of Trump; 3) to avoid facing R. Kennedy, Jr., he is illegally allowing convicted Trump to run for President; 4) he abolished the 1984 Presidential Debate Commission). AND NOW 5) FOR EVEN GREATER EMBARRASSMENT, HE'S TRYING TO INSTALL THE IDIOT KAMALA HARRIS AS PRESIDENT. In April 2024, without informing the public, the Social Security database was hacked. Biden has approved the sale of U.S. Steel to Japan. He is leaving America a THIRD WORLD NATION. Having the nuclear missile codes, he is senile with obvious dementia, yet we're not even demanding he step down from office (see Petition-letter below)The herein website, that's key to saving America, provides the various Petition-letters & Response Pages to add your voice. For, if America falls, we cannot only blame the politicians. We must also blame ourselves for refusing to act. > Let's not surrender without fighting for Our U.S. homeland, for free enterprise. We do this by supporting the enforcement of the U.S. Constitution and the "rule of law" against Marxists. -

Below, though Trump is the lesser danger than Biden-Harris, his policies show that he does not understand monetary policy. It's why Mr. Cobble needs to go to Congress, to place public pressure on Trump. By stopping the $transer-of-wealth, a [President] Trump won't have to raise taxes or tariffs.

No Fee Public Childcare; Another Reason to Elect RFK, Jr.

Kamala Harris Using Same Campaign Flip-Flop as Biden in 2020

 - Democrats, Please Stop Excusing the Destruction of America -

        The same as Biden in 2020, Harris is running in the "political center" and will flip-flop if she becomes President. As a certified Marxist clearly shown by her unwillingness to define an agenda, her presidency would continue Biden's destruction of the United States. Grass root Democrats should understand and respect the anger that others have towards Biden and Harris, the mess they have made of this country. Also, Democrats & Independents should understand that some Republicans, such as Mitch McConnell, are allowing the Biden Administration to destroy America (illegal migrants on Social Security, Medicaid, Education – misappropriating $trillions in tax dollars, closer to nuclear WW-III, massive data breaches everywhere, Etc, Etc, Etc). Despite your hate for Trump, he is far less dangerous than Kamala. –– J.D. Vance should apologize for calling motherless women in Washington "childless catwomen."

        "WOKISM" is the conflict-of-interest between Gov'mt and corporate officials allowing the $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations (see Figures 1 & 2 midway below). The conflict . . .\$transfer creates today's era of unelightenment by promoting and augmenting the various threats to our society. (For example, as means for depopulation, the currently elite white supremacists status quo supports\exploits the Marxists, the LGBTQ & child transgender communities, late-term abortions, prescription drugs instead of proven natural remedies for health, indoctrinated-diminished education, Etc, Etc)

        Providing unfair access to $capital since 1999, the $transfer has created the billionaires class. Warren Buffett purchased CSX Railroad at 0.25% interest. See below why pundits won't define wokism that affects your daily life. We run and hide from the Federal Reserve (Fed), though it's this illegal $transfer by the Fed banking cabal that's making our lives so miserable. For example: Today's too high Fed "8.5% prime interest rate" is closing small businesses & preventing home sales, the engines of the economy. While the real causes of high prices are: 1) "printing money" (for illegal migrants) and 2) the $transfer\Wall Street buying-up companies & real estate that reduces competition. (Latest example: Kroger purchasing Abertson's will raise food prices even higher)Here's more misery: 3) To subsidize wokism (the $transfer), your already high taxes must keep rising (creating the UN-PAYABLE CIRCULAR DEBT now reaching $35 trillion > again, see Figures 1 & 2 below | Because we have not yet figured out what's being done to us, the elites are laughing at us. We are Jim Carrey in the movie, "The Truman Show").

• If you don't demand the removal of Pres. Biden, your sons and daughters are headed for World War III, CLICK HERE. Letter to Victor Davis Hanson. Dr. Hanson, "You can do more . . ." – click here.

DO NOT WATCH the 2024 propganda moive, Civil War, for convincing Americans to lose hope. This movie is more evidence that Biden, the CIA, and Federal Reserve are acting to destroy America . . .

. . . because our nation is fixable. But the fear is that Americans will wait for collapse and then choose civil war to save their property. Instead, to prevent collapse, follow the advice of Thomas Jefferson by supporting below the public-enforceable Sept. 20, 2022 Tort Claim "perfected by the 11 liens" served on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Enforcing this legal process for 1) removing Biden, Jerome Powell, and others; 2) reversing the antitrust violations causing the $transfer-of-wealth; and 3) requires paying $restitution to each American. The Fed, Wall Street, & banking cabal owe $restitution because the $transfer since 1999 has created the debt and robbed the prosperity of America.

        Below, keep sharing & mailing-in the Petition-letter for removing Joe Biden and replacing the Federal Reserve. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the only rational and safe choice for President. If Amerians elect Biden or Trump, we risk civil war (and WW-III under Biden).


At the Debate, the First Official Acknowledgement of Digital Currency. Candidate Ron DeSantis says as President, "On Day 1, [The Fed's] digital currency is in the trash."        

          As we all know from Biden, presidents can cause unnecessary catastrophes and get people killed. So we must be careful about whom we vote in. At the Dec. 6 fourth Republican presidential debate, Candidate Ron DeSantis "proved his mettle" by saying he would trash the Federal Reserve's (Fed) plans for digital currency (to outlaw cash). At the debate, DeSantis and Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy were the most critical of the "deep state" destroying America.

          As Governor of Florida, DeSantis, a Constitutionalist, showed that his record on stopping the deep state (the swamp) is far more credible than Donald Trump as President. Later, DeSantis questions the constitutionality of outlawing cash and notes the extremely high interest rates. Trump's presidency did not, and even now he does not address the Fed problem, that's causing virtually all the crises in the U.S. and around the world. HERE ARE SIX EXAMPLES: 1) The Fed "prime interest rate" is not published and inoperably high at 8.5% causing small businesses to close and 2) preventing home buying. 3) This restriction of dollars in poor nations is a major cause of immigrants flooding the southern U.S. border, and 4) why many nations are searching for another currency to replace the Fed abusing the U.S. dollar.

         5) Reducing competition causing high prices (that's not inflation). With this restriction of trade, Wall Street companies & foreign investors are running around buying-up businesses and real estate that reduces competition (the other cause of high home prices, lumber, food, etc). 6) The fraudulently high interest rates is more evidence of Biden and the Fed attempting to collapse the economy, to impose outlawing cash. –– Americans have awaken and realizing it's the Fed making their lives miserable. (This Homepage below explains "wokism" and provides the tort action on stopping the Fed.) Hence, everyone should see Ron DeSantis in the Dec. 6 debate > click here.

           Next, 2022 in California, the mainstream media, FBI, & CDC covered-up a secret Chinese-owned biolab producing HIV and Ebola viruses.

         November 15, 2023. Biden calls China President a "dictator" at APEX Summit - More evidence that Biden wants WWIII. Some pundits are calling Biden immature for "name calling" at this highest level of international negotiations. But with his long experience at age 81, Biden shows once again that today's status quo wants WWIII with China and Russia. It was Biden who forced the Ukraine president to tear-up the Minsk Peace Agreement with Putin. Then, Nancy Pelosi's April 2022 visit to Taiwain led to China ending cooperation: on climate change, the joint anti-drug efforts (stopping fentanyl), and military talks. How can China and others trust the U.S. eratic behavior? Another example, with no photos or names of the 32 Americans & 1400 Iraelis allegedely killed by Hamas on Oct. 7, it appears Biden allowed Netanyhu to invade Gaza on the pretense of a mass Hamas massacre (and touted as the worst since the Holocaust). This time to provoke WWIII through Iran. Reported on Nov. 16 (New York Post), according to a U.S. House Select Committee report, in Reedley, CA, thousands of vials of biological substances — including some labeled “HIV” — and a freezer marked “Ebola” were found inside a secret Chinese-owned biolab. Initially, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FBI refused to investigate, proving the Biden Administration knew about the lab. WHAT YOU CAN DO: 1) Print-out Petition-letters on this website for Congress to replace both the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve. 2) Join the popular "No-labels Movement" to change the status quo (of both Republican & Democrat parties). 3) Demand the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. 4) Demand the resignation of FBI Director Christopher Wray. Presumably, the biolab cover-up led to firing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on May 20, 2023.

         – Unless we act on his removal, our nation will not survive the Biden presidency.

     UNSAFE IN BIDEN'S AMERICA > Support Liens to Remove Corrupted Officials: The persistent circumstantial evidence shows operatives of the status quo did set-up the March & April 2023 mass shootings in Nashville, Tennessee & Louisville, Kentucky. Why / the motive? . . . to move public opinion towards taking away guns. BUT HISTORY SHOWS THAT WHEN GUNS ARE TAKEN, RIGHTS ARE TAKEN. For example, collapsing the economy with continuing rising interest rates will be opportunity to outlaw cash (and to arm illegal migrants against Americans to impose the cashless society).

      Under the Communist Biden Administration, the record-high mass shootings are used to make us feel unsafe so that we depend ever more upon Gov'mt. It's classic "gov'mt racketeering," to create the crisis and then use tax dollars to provide the solution. Apparently the same techniques used for jihad suicide bombers in the Middle East are now used in America on people who are susceptible to committing mass shootings. These include the two May 3 & May 4, 2023 shootings in Serbia (Europe) that killed 18 people at a school, and killed 8 the next day. The evidence lies in officials hiding the "impersonal motive" for these killings (see below the March 31 Report on shooter Audrey Hale, and April 21 Report to the Bishop's Table). – For removing officials from office, support enforcement of the 22 outstanding liens on this website at the local, State, & federal levels of Gov'mt, including Joe Biden, and Chairman Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve.

       (NOTE: Recommend Sen. Joe Machin (D) & Former Governor Asa Hutchinson (R) as interim President & Vice President to replace the Biden Administration.)

    W A R N I N G . . .

The Real Cause of Rising Prices:



- Visit Site 1 Archives at The-Protect-America-Project.ORG

A. The climate plan, C.C.R.P (below), can't begin until repairing the fixable debt crisis. See $trillions in restitution claim (below) owed to U.S. households.

B. HOMEPAGE: The corporate-owed media is focusing the public on China, while the Federal Reserve (Fed) and Biden are doing the real damage to the United States.

C. WOKISM (woke corporations & institutions) is not defined by conservatives Hugh Hewitt, Charlie Kirk, Etc. They do not understand that ending wokism requires ending the Fed.

D. Saudi Arabia offering Tiger Woods $700 million to join the LIV golf franchise (CBS News) displays the ocean of cash created by the $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations, Etc. Below shows how this $transfer occurs through the illicit Fed. We must demand reversing these illegal transactions / acquisitions. (Tiger Woods rejected the LIV offer.)

E. HIGHER GAS PRICES & OUTLAWING CASH. Saudi Arabia has twice reduced oil output (to two million barrels per day) only to drive the U.S. into recession. Why? Recession hardships will give Biden & Fed opportunity to outlaw cash. (The Saudis otherwise have no interest in causing losses from a manufactured recession.)

F. Derivative contracts of Wall Street corporations, Etc equal $1.2+ quadrillion (part of the ocean of cash); thus the U.S. cannot owe $31+ trillion in debt. See below the Sept. 20, 2022 Tort Claim, & Dec. 5, 2022 liens to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and U.S. Attorney Merrick Garland.

     NOTE: (1,000 x $1 trillion = $1 quadrillion)

     • Support liens to remove these crooks from office.


Below: Defining Wokism; the Reason Your Taxes Are So High. Support the tort action and liens for saving\repairing America.

          NOTE: The three antitrust violations below is what's causing America's debt crisis. Because of these violations that began the systemic theft from the Commerical Sector (i.e., from Americans) in 1999, we do not owe the $34+ trillion that they say we owe. In 2022, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell further complicated Violation 2 by reversing the prime interest rate from the near zero extreme (0.25%) to the inoperably high extreme of 7.5%. By April 28, 2023, the evidence forced Powell to admit the Fed had a hand in causing the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank that obviously plagued the failures of FTX Trading, LTD, Silvergate Bank, and the other banks.

           WOKISM, the actively destructive conflict-of-interest . . . Due to the Federal Reserve (Fed) three antitrust violations causing the $transfer-of-wealth ($transfer) to Wall Street corporations, wokism is the "conflict-of-interest between Gov'mt & corporate officials" to maitain that $transfer. (The three violations are listed below, beginning with terminating the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999.) This accumulation of wealth incentivizes Gov'mt officials to serve corporations over the needs of The People. I.e., since 1999, the $transfer has shifted political power away from The People and "to corporations." This silent, singular crisis, that has weakened the dollar since 1999, is causing most all other crises, including allowing Marxism and fascism to creep into U.S. free enterprise. Stopping the violations, and reversing many of their unlawful transactions, will repair free enterprise, including to reverse the debt crisis that will restore the U.S. tax base.

        In fact, we do not owe the U.S. debt of $34+ trillion because it accumulated since 1999 due to said violations. Furthermore, as seen in Figures 1 & 2 below, and similar to a Ponzi scheme, the violations make the the debt "circular" that cannot be repaid. To compensate for these dollars removed from the "commercial sector," taxes and fees are constantly hiked (including U.S. postage fees). 

        Said Figures 1 & 2 are from the Sept. 20, 2022 Tort Claim (& 2020 lawsuit). They illustrate today's imbalance of dollars distribution by the Fed. The violations have created an "ocean of cash" for corporations. The ocean of cash is why they want to outlaw cash for "digital currency," to take away The People's ability to "leverage $transactions." Thus, wokism is a psychopathic condition of the status quo (woke corporations & institutions, and gov'mt officials whom support wokism).

       Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett, Etc, are not the financial geniuses you think they are. They got their excess billions from the $transfer, subsidized by your ongoing tax hikes. 

        Securing artificial intelligence (AI)? Given this conflict-of-interest, for example, we have entered the "woke era of un-enlightenment" that cannot resolve the security problems of AI until stopping the $transfer to corporations. The weak dollar has also weakened U.S. foreign policy.

          Media pundits don't define "wokism" because, by its definition, pundits must implicate its improper operation of Gov'mt, including of course, the Fed in bed with corporations. However, as more people are calling to replace the Fed, pundits such as George Stephanopolis, Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Charlie Kirk, Hugh Hewitt, Etc, will be forced to define wokism. So-called conservatives such as Gorka and Prager hypocritally accuse Democrats of being "woke" even though they and other Republicans are also benefitting from the immense $transfer that's oppressing the lives of Americans and peoples across the world.

          A few examples of today's woke institutions threatening U.S. security are the Kentucky legislature and other State legislatures, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, the Education Dept., the FBI/DOJ, the Environmental Protection Agency/EPA, and the Food & Drug Administration/FDA. Ending wokism: When ending the $transfer (by ending the violations) and replacing the Federal Reserve with the OCC\Office of Commercial Contracts within the U.S. Dept of Treasury, corporate & Gov'mt officials will return to serving The People. -- D.Cobble   

 – The $transfer-of-wealth illustrated below creates the ILLEGAL, UNPAYABLE, CIRCULAR DEBT. We do not owe the $35+ trillion in debt created by the three antitrust violations that began in 1999. Enforcing\supporting the ensuing Sept. 20, 2022 tort claim & liens will save America by reversing the violations. –


Tort Claim Served on Eleven Feasors (Offenders)

          The document below to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen serves the 11 liens for removing officials from office, including Joe Biden and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. With public support, the liens are enforceable in any court or by approriate administrative officer (Treasury Secretary, U.S. President, State Governor). The liens "perfect the above tort claim" that demands $restitution-payment to each U.S. citizen for the wealth-transfer theft that began in 1999.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: Though Americans should demand enforcement now to prevent economic collapse, in the event of collapse, this tort & liens stand as the pubic record to reverse the antitrust violations causing the collapse. Prosecuting the tort & liens will put the economy back on track. AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE, KEEP A COPY OF THESE DOCUMENTS.


          The 2018 Taxpayers' Balance Sheet below shows that, ultimately, this "unchecked problem" will collapse the U.S. and world economies. The $transfer is why ever more tax dollars are paid to the UNPAYABLE Fed debt while fewer-and-fewer tax dollars are funding the budget that is subsidized by ever more borrowing, and hence, CIRCULAR DEBT. That's what makes this longtime slight-of-hand ILLEGAL but too embarrassing for experienced politicians to admit to, such as Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Nancy Pelosi.



         The vast majority of corruption in the United States will vanish upon you, The People, demanding to eliminate the unlawful Federal Reserve (Fed). As shown herein, the Fed only exists to create debt. It commits the extortion of smaller banks when conditions are placed on access to borrowing, resulting in racketeering, such as the recent bank failures in 2023 (and FTX Trading, LTD founded by Sam Bankman-Fried).

       The Fed and mental illness. In fact, if Congress allows Biden and the Fed to outlaw cash to bring in the cashless society, it will place even greater mental stresses on Americans and world populations. The epidemic of mental illness in America is caused by the damaging policies of Gov'mt that makes Americans feel insecure.

       So pursuant to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, we must replace the Fed with the Office of Commercial Contracts within the Dept of Treasury. See below (bottomside) the March 10, 2023 letter to GSE Dynamics.

        EVIDENTIARY NOTES: The FBI still has not or will not release the manifesto of Nashville, Tennessee shooter Audry Hale.

     The FBI still has not released the subject matter of Obama-era classified documents found in the home and offices of Joe Biden. Believed to be related to China / national security.



Lacking a Climate Plan, Another Reason We Must Vote-out the Status Quo

       As a matter of course, all of gov'mt and major corporations should fully be in the "climate plan mode." We have to suspend all non-essential space flight and redirect those resources towards a global CLIMATE PLAN. Even if you don't believe in climate change, the status quo is also ignoring the pollution crisis that, too, is bringing mankind and other species to extinction. The climate plan, C.C.R.P. (below), calls for a 20-year freeze on non-essential space flight.


        Taxpayers' Balance Sheet, below. Line 8 shows the inevitable economic collapse unless reversing the three antitrust violations. This will stop bleeding by Federal Reserve (Fed) debt. - The Fed only exists to create debt. Must replace the Fed with the Office of Commercial Contracts within the U.S. Dept. of Treasury.