How Court Corruption is Degrading Kentucky The Refusal to Process | Why Kentucky is One of the Poorest States |
The job of officers-of-the-court (OsOTC, judges, lawyers, court clerks) is to process Complaints under common law (U.S. 7th Amendment). With the plaintiff’s filing fee, OsOTC agree to lawfully process the Complaint. When refusing to process, the OsOTC commit fraud that fractures [Our] system of justice. The courts’ rampant fraud informs offenders \ defendants: "You are free to violate more people." (Through their Oaths-of-Office, OsOTC are under contract to adjudicate cases quickly under States and U.S. Constitutions.) Of course this refusal to enforce the law \ the Constitutions gives way to the apathy \ disregard for moral values and street crimes and social disruptions because Gov’mt is ignoring the people's need for justice . . . that no one cares. This neglect must spill over into emotional stress and mental duress, a source of the mental illness felt across America. (Through Gov’mt neglect in other areas of society, such as healthcare, education, wrongful taxation, and systemic biases that suppress opportunities, they result in parallel stresses that also lead to mental illness.) Thus, the remedy to stopping crime and social deterioration is for The People to face up to Gov’mt to “demand the rule-of-law" that's well established in America. To reduce these stresses on children (that leads to low performance, crime, and suicide), kids need to see their parents (and all other adults) out in front demanding the rule-of-law. They seek for adults to protect them. | The case in point is in the civil cases of Taxpayers\Defendants Daniel and Rufina Cobble. The OsOTC have mutually decided to not process their cases. They ignore their civil rights to leave the Cobbles hanging on the “pain of injustice.” Yet each of their Affidavits illustrates how the courts’ are deteriorating society. For example, Affidavit-2 in an upcoming Criminal Complaint shows the courts’ complicity with mail fraud by T-Mobile, Inc and the U.S. Postal Service. Officials preventing mail delivery threaten national security and prevent the “wholeness of communities.” This interference disrupts transactions and relationships. And wherefore, to protect communities \ [Our] society, The People have “abiding interests” in demanding to prosecute OsOTC to send to jail. With the Affidavits, active public support will set a good example for our kids, to stop court corruption at its root. |
The lawsuit and Criminal Complaint below show some of the ways KY elites are ripping off taxpayers. The suit brings-in the KY legislature as a defendant. Also see the demand for a BCO (Broadcast the Candidates Order) for requiring local radio and TV stations to broadcast all candidates during election season. Today we do not have democracy if voters cannot identify the candidates on the ballot (including write-in candidates). |